Facebook Likes Trump Followers
In the 2016 election, Trump took advantage of Facebook marketing as a means of helping him reach another crowd rather than the conventional television advertising his competitors were using. He would test tens of tens of thousands of distinct ad variants–with or without subtitles, photos or videos, etc.
Fast forward 2020, Facebook is again crucial to President Trump’s re-election campaign. This year’s Trump 2020 Campaign has spent about $5 million on Facebook ads, approximately half that of the 23 mixed Democrat applicants, as The Times reported yesterday. For the apparent reasons, Trump is relying on Facebook: it is the biggest social network in the nation and a great way to reach voters directly. And the relationship is not one sided – Facebook likes Trump as well.
Buy Facebook Likes and Buy Facebook Followers more Pressing than Ads
The Trump campaign is partly in favor of Facebook because it tolerates rule breaks. For Trump, Facebook has a material benefit: the social network’s focus on fighting lies and propaganda was narrow and limited. Facebook prefers to fight fake Facebook accounts or some teenager who buy Facebook likes AppSally or buy Facebook followers rather than addressing its money maker Facebook ads. Buying Facebook page likes and Facebook followers rampant, but does not carry any implication on the future of Americans.
The social network has constantly failed to implement its own strategies in the year, despite promises made by top execs to do better than in 2016, so Trump has been permitted to buy fake or misleading advertisements. Much of the issue is that Facebook likes to depends on its spotty algorithms and refuses to invest the necessary funds to efficiently control advertisements. This begs the question, does Facebook likes Trump or what? The social network has deny any political affiliation.
Facebook Likes the Elections Impact on its Revenue
Following Trump‘s footsteps, some 2020 Democrats are also starting to pump more cash on Facebook. Since Biden announced his candidacy on April 25, nearly $1 million has been spent on Facebook ads, far exceeding the total of around $455,000 spent on Trump during the same period. His campaign said that donors particularly reacted heavily to Axios videos which helped the former vice-president raise big amounts of cash. And only last week, according to NBC News, Kamala Harris slightly overspended Trump by releasing a number of advertisements criticizing anti-abortion laws suggested by conservative nations.
The impact of Trump’s re-election is critical for the trade war between Trump and China. The clash between the two giants has deep implications on the rest of the world. And Facebook is indirectly helping Trump, whether Facebook likes to admit it or not.